Welcome to Mr. Adamson's 7th Grade Civics class. We will be learning about the history of our government, how it works, and what it takes to be a good citizen. We will also be following the buildup to the 2016 presidential primaries and students will learn the differences between the different political parties in the United States.

I will be linking the syllabus for my class on this site in a few days. If you are looking for a supply list for my class, I require that my students bring something to write with (blue/black ink pen or pencil) and something to write on (notebook paper) every day they come to my class. I do not give students pencils. Colored ink other than blue or black are not acceptable. I do not require a binder, but a one inch binder might be helpful to students to keep Civics papers organized.

I have three rules:
1. Be respectful to me and your classmates.
2. Be on time.
3. Have something to write with and something to write on, every day.

My preferred method of communication is email. I can respond much quicker electronically than I can by phone. My email is: adamsonm@duvalschools.org.

All parents should have a Focus password so that they may view their child's grades on a daily basis.

Links and Resources