Welcome to Mrs. Baci and Ms. James 2nd/3rd Class
Rita J. Baci
904-630-6540 ext. 1416
Events for the week of 1/4/2016:
Monday, January 4: i-ready and Achieve 3000 Level Sets Assessment
Tuesday, January 5: Magnet Tour, 9am
Wednesday, January 6: Early Dismissal, 1:40pm
Thursday, January 7: Transition to High School Night, 6pm MPR
Saturday, January 9: School Choice Expo, 11:00am - 3:00pm

Academic Highlights for this week:
Reading: 2nd/3rd:
January 4: 
*Determining the main idea from an informational text
*Answering questions using specific details from an informational text
*Comparing and contrasting the main ideas and key details in two texts on the same topic
January 5:
*Taking notes as a form of documenting what I learned about a topic 
*Participating in a conversation with peers and adults
January 6:
*Write an informative/explanatory text
*Group supporting facts together about a topic in an informative/explanatory text using the text and illustrations
January 7:
*Using technology to produce and publish writing as well as interact and collaborate with others (with support from adults)
January 8:
*Produce writing that is appropriate to the task and purpose 
*Use the writing process to plan, revise, and edit the writing piece
*Sort evidence into provided categories

Science: 2nd/3rd
Week of January 4-8: 
*Identify the Sun as the star closest to Earth
*Compare observations made by different groups using the same tools
*Seek reasons to explain observational differences across groups
*Recognize models are approximations of natural phenomena

Writing: 2nd/3rd
January 4: lowercase t, (t, it, tt)
January 5: lowercase u, (u, ut, ui, iu, tutu)
January 6: lowercase w, (w, wu, wi, wt, tw, uw, wit)
January 7: lowercase e, (e, ew, eu, ei, et, te, ie, tie, we, tweet, wet)
January 8: lowercase l, (l, li, le el, wl, lit, let, tell, will)

Math: 2nd
January 4: Subtract from 200 and from numbers with zeros in the tens place
January 5: Use and explain the totals below written methods using words, drawings, and numbers
January 6: Compare totals below to new groups as written methods
January 7: Solve two-step word problems within 100
January 8: Review/Remediation/Enrichment

Math: 3rd
January 4: Form rectangles by tiling with unit squares to make an array
January 5: Flex Day - i-ready Diagnostic Testing
January 6: Flex Day - i-ready Diagnostic Testing
January 7: Draw rows and columns to determine the area of a rectangle, given an incomplete array
January 8: Interpret area models to form rectangular arrays

Events for the week of 9/28/2015:
  • Parent Education: Exposing children to the World of Montessori, 8-9am
Academic Highlights for this week:
Reading 2/3: students will be sorting and answering questions from The Librarian of Basra, identifying the main message (gist) and Close read of Thank You, Mr. Faulkner and The Boy Who Loved Words

Science 2/3: We are continuing our study of matter and will delve into how matter is measured.

Math 2: Measurement using centemeter cubes, meter sticks

Events for the week of 9/14/2015:
  • ​Preprimary and First Grade Open House: Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 pm
  • International Day of Peace: Friday, September 18 at 8:50 am
Events for the week of 11/30-12/4:
  • Monday, November: No School, Weather Day
  • Tuesday, December 1: Picture makeup up day
  • Wednesday, Decrember 2:
  • Thursday, December 3:
  • Friday, December 4:
Academic Highlights for the week:
Reading 2/3: We are continuing to learn about frogs 
Writing 2/3:
Math 2:
Math 3:
Science 2/3:


Home Learning for the week of 9/28-10/1

Home Learning for the week of 914-9/17
Students should be reading at home on a daily basis. A reading log is attached.
If your child has access to a home computer they can complete lessons in i-ready, Achieve 3000, and gizmos. Usernames and passwords will be provided.
Second grade can practice their addition and subtraction fact families while the third grade can practice skip counting and multiplication fact families.

