Welcome to Mr. Maxwell's 5th Grade Math Class
We will be using a 'Flipped Learning Strategy".  Basically we are going to flip the normal learning experience.  You will be expected to watch me introduce our lesson in a video explaining the lesson at home allowing us to do practice and activities at school! Here is a link explaining the "Flipped Classroom".

Lesson Preparation
The only Homework you will get for my class is to prepare for the next days class.  In order to prepare for the class you need to go to Microsoft teams and complete the Lesson Assignment which requires you to take notes and answer some quick check questions.

Notes Expectations
(Take good notes because you will be able to use them for all Quizzes and Tests except where not authorized by district)

1.  Enter the Lesson Title in your "Table of Contents" page you are copy the notes that I show you as the lesson proceeds
2.  On the 1st page of your Lesson Notes you are to copy the Lesson Title,  Standard, Lesson Objective and Essential question.  (Leave enough space to respond to the essential question after the lesson)
3.  On the next page you are to copy the notes I show you during the lesson.
4.  The next couple of pages are for you to copy models provided to you during the lesson.  You are not expected to copy all models, but enough for you to have an example of the strategy we are working on.  I expect you to have a minimum of  2 examples in your notes.
Stop the video as much as you like in order to keep up or try the problems by yourself.  Answer the quick check questions during the video lesson.
5.  Bring your notes to class to show your participation. If you have not completed the lesson prior to class you will be required to complete the lesson in class prior to participating in the class activities.

I-Ready (Work on your level)
*  Complete 45 minutes (Minimum) of I-Ready each week and pass the number of lessons for your level per week by Sunday evening. You should have time to work on these after our daily lesson, but it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they complete the weekly assignments.

Weekly Lessons Required
The number of required lessons per week determined by the grade level of the lessons you are working on. 

Less that 4th Grade: Pass 4 lessons a week.
4th Grade Lessons: Pass 3 lessons a week.
5th Grade Lessons: Pass 2 Lessons a week.
Greater than 5th Grade: Pass 1 Lesson a week.

A weekly I-Ready grade will be awarded based on time worked and grades achieved. Since this is a weekly assignment "No makeups will be allowed". Students will work all problems out in I-Ready notebook for every quiz.

Math Skills 
*Exit tickets will be completed in class after you have demonstrated proficiency in the problem set.  Exit tickets can only be completed during school hours.
* Math Facts: Reflex math will be worked on 10 minutes a day until 100% proficiency is achieved.
* Standard Mastery Quizzes: will be administered after all lessons on the standard have been covered. Students will have the opportunity to remediate any standard they did not show 100% mastery of through Edcite.com. Remediations will be assigned for a specific period and will not be reassigned.

End of Module Tests
Students will be given a Quarterly test which will cover all material that has been covered since the beginning of school.  Students will not be able to remediate these grades.